A Village Design Guide aims to support the objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan. Its sets out design guidelines for new development within the Parish. The guide addresses the aesthetic, architectural , social and historical aspects of design rather than special technical considerations. It should be used by community members as they make alterations to their homes and by developers. It is not planning law, but a guide, however its submission with the Neighbourhood Plan as an appendix to the document gives it greater weight when planning applications are considered by the planning authority.
The overriding principles and values of the Coggeshall Village Design Guide are to:

  • Respect and respond to the heritage, community and countryside of the village.
  • Create and maintain a place of distinctiveness.
  • Respond to the existing landscape Character and sensitivities of the village and surroundings.
  • Connect people to their habitats to enrich biodiversity ad green infrastructure links, walkable communities and liveable streets.
  • Create a multi-functional landscape which recognises the need of all (food, water and energy) whilst providing effective protections for the environment and prudent used of natural resources.

The guide has been developed by the CNP sub-committee in conjunction with The Landscape Partnership. A link to the guide can be found here. Hard copies for the public to view are also available in Coggeshall Library and at the Parish Council Offices.